Ariadne loves the ocean. As a blue-tech innovator, she invents and commercializes solutions to protect the ocean and the world. After earning her degree from the University of Maine, Orono, Ariadne found opportunities to research and to educate, collaborating with such institutions as the U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration at Woods Hole (NOAA), Northeast Fishery Science Center (NEFSC), and JERICO-RI. Skilled at engaging others to connect with the ocean, Ariadne loves working with educators around the world to increase marine literacy. She led a design team to create the educational project, Integrated Multilevel Active Passive Ocean Current Education Advancement Network (IMAPOCEAN), for which she was recognized by JERICO- RI as an outstanding STEM role model for marine research and innovation in 2021. Globally focused, Ariadne’s education, research, and love of the water has enabled her to travel the world and gain language proficiency in Chinese and Greek. Her opportunity to travel was also the impetus for wanting to find a solution to single-use plastic waste in the ocean.
Now, as the Founder, CEO, and Ocean Research Director at P3RD.EARTH, Ariadne is leading the way with her regenerative vision, entrepreneurial gusto, scientific know-how, and her firm belief that people are ready for a better world. She and her team are collaborating with the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth as well as the University of Maine, Orono, and have received a grant from the National Science Foundation as they innovate solutions. Ariadne is looking to not just create better packaging, she is working to establish the international standard for Ocean-Compostable, Fish-Friendly (OCFF) packaging. If Ariadne is not in the lab counting zebrafish heartbeats or surfing, she is out telling everyone that a world where our packaging waste is planet-healthy is not only possible, but a paramount solution for our oceans and our planet.
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